On Monday, 24th June 2024, Ross was presented with his award for his 18 years of dedication, hard work and service to the Christchurch Civic Trust. To say that Ross Gray has left some big …
As climate change progresses and extreme weather events become more frequent, we are set to become mindful of the role of trees in our city and worldwide. The ‘National Park City’, is a wonderful global …
The Christchurch Civic Trust highlights an issue with how the New Zealand Ombudsman decides who can complain about government decisions. Usually, a person needs to be more affected by a decision than everyone else to …
Hagley Park in Christchurch is a treasured urban green space, comparable to iconic parks like London’s Hyde Park and New York’s Central Park, offering a variety of recreational activities and acting as a vital carbon …
The Canterbury Museum is at the start of a challenging journey over the next 5 years, which will see it embarking on a cultural development journey in partnership with mana whenua, to reimagine and redevelop …
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